Sheryl Crow’s Birthplace Now the Burglary Capital of Missouri
It's such a tiny town in Missouri that is famous for being the birthplace of music legend Sheryl Crow. It's now also sadly known as the one place in the Show Me State where you better lock your doors.
In case you haven't heard, there's a new top 10 most dangerous cities list for Missouri. High on the list is little Kennett, Missouri, population just over 10,000 and the birthplace of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Sheryl Crow. There's an interesting piece of data in that list which says this:
The community suffers from the highest rate of burglaries in the state
Violent crime is also apparently a big issue in Kennett, Missouri, too. 9th most dangerous in Missouri for violent crime and 8th for property crime. Guard your stuff in Kennett.
What I don't understand about the rise in crime is that Kennett is in a very rural part of southeastern Missouri. The crime rates you see there are normally associated with much larger metro areas. I have to wonder if there is spill-over crime between St. Louis and Memphis? Hey, it's just a theory. I've heard it said that when some outlaws get in trouble get in hot water in a big city they'll sometimes hang out in rural places until the heat goes down. Wonder if that applies to Kennett?
At least Kennett, Missouri can still brag about being the place where Sheryl Crow is from, right? All she wants to do is have some fun (and preferably not get mugged).