It’s Time to Go Through Your Kid’s Toys and Help ‘Load The Lobby’
Believe it or not, the holiday season is here. Once again, Y101, KICK-FM and KICK-AM is gearing up for the 9th Annual "Load the Lobby" campaign, and we are asking for your help.
Beginning Monday and running through December 15, we are asking that you help us Load the Lobby with new or good used toys for the less fortunate children in the area. Just drop them in our lobby at 24th and Broadway behind the Coach House Restaurant Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. starting Monday and we will deliver them to the Salvation Army for their Toy Town Distribution.
So perhaps this weekend might be a good time to go through all those good used toys your youngsters are no longer using and gather them up to help "load the lobby".