Y101’s Load The Lobby is Underway
The 11th annual Load the Lobby campaign is officially underway and will end December 13. We are asking that you help us Load the Lobby with brand new or good used toys for the less fortunate children in the area.
You know what toys your youngsters no longer use. So please go through those toys, and if they are in good shape, just drop them off in our lobby at 24th and Broadway behind the Coach House Restaurant or at the KHMO Studios in Hannibal and we will get them to the Salvation Army for their Toy Town Distribution in December.
Making children understand that there are less fortunate kids out there and that Christmas depends on the generosity of you and your children is a wonderful lesson to be learned at Christmas time. This is the essence of Y101, KICK-AM, KHMO and KICK-FM’s Load the Lobby campaign.
Your child or children all have toys that are no longer being used. If they are in good shape, please gather them and bring them to our station at 24th and Broadway (behind the Coach House) and help us fill up the lobby. In Hannibal you can drop off toys at the KHMO studios at 119 North 3rd Street. The lobby in Quincy will be open Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. and in Hannibal from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. through December 12. All collected toys will then be transported to the Salvation Army on the morning of December 13.
Enjoy your holiday season and count your blessings for all the things you have, because there are many in our community who don’t and we want to change that. Thanks!
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