Someone needs to have a conversation to learn what roles deer have in our lives. Missouri officials found a deer and even when I tell you, you're not likely to believe what they found written on its side.
Over the decades, it's been one of the most visited Missouri hotels for paranormal investigations. Suddenly, it's now forbidden to all and there's a good reason for that.
I know you'll be surprised to hear this, but not everything you see on the internet is true. Shocking, I know. I've been duped a few times myself, but do my best to verify interesting things I find. Recently, there were pictures claiming to show a severely mangy bear in Jefferson County, Missouri. Pretty sure I can prove now that it's not true.
I'm not making this up and this is also not new. Believe it or not, a Missouri sheriff is requesting your assistance by coming down to their office and getting drunk. Oh, and it really will help them. I'll explain.
If someone knocks on your door, it's best to look and see who it is before you open. That was especially true for a Jefferson County, Missouri woman who shared video of a black bear who was lurking right outside of her back door.
Someone needs to call Stephen Spielberg and let him know that one of his creatures got loose and is making cameos on Missouri trail cam videos. Not really, but call him anyway if you can.