You May Talk Turkey But Do You Know It? [Quiz]
As we prepare to sit down and devour our Thanksgiving turkey meal, I wonder just how much people know about the turkey itself. With that in mind, I present ten turkey questions and answers. See how well you do and then ask these questions around the dinner table on Thanksgiving Day.
A. When was the first Thanksgiving celebration?
- 1492
- 1567
- 1621
- 1777
B. Where was the turkey first domesticated?
- Canada
- Mexico and Central America
- New Zealand
- India
C. What is a female turkey called?
- A rooster
- A cuckoo
- A chick
- A hen
D. What is a male turkey called?
- A larry
- A clark
- A harry
- A tom
E. What statesman lobbied to make the turkey the national symbol?
- Benjamin Franklin
- Thomas Jefferson
- John Adams
- Andrew Jackson
F. What sound does a female turkey make?
- Gobble
- Cluck
- Chirp
- Peep
G. What sound does a male turkey make?
- Gobble
- Click
- Chirp
- Peep
H. Which state produces the most turkeys annually?
- Kansas
- Ohio
- Arkansas
- Minnesota
I. How fast can turkeys run?
- 5 mph
- 15mph
- 25 mph
- 45 mph
J. Can Turkeys fly? If so how fast?
1. No
2. Yes, up to 25 mph
3. Yes, up to 40 mph
4. Yes, up to 55 mph
ANSWERS: A-3, B-2, C-4, D-4, E-1, F-2, G-1, H-4, I-3, J-4