Thunderbirds & Blue Angels Are Flying in The Midwest
There is nothing more exhilarating than to be at an airshow featuring the Air Force Thunderbirds or the Navy Blue Angels. Both have announced their spring and summer schedules. If you love airshows like I do, may I suggest you mark August 18 & 19 and August 25 & 26 on your calendar to see both of them. The Thunderbirds will be flying in Chicago on the lakefront as part of the 60th annual Chicago Air & Water Show. That show is scheduled for Saturday, August 18 and Sunday, August 19.
Meanwhile, the following weekend the Blue Angels will be flying in St. Joseph, Missouri as part of the Sound of Speed Air Show on both Saturday, August 25 and Sunday, August 26. Both shows are guaranteed winners to take your family to enjoy! They will remember it forever.
I am always reminded of the Thunderbird's abbreviated visit to Quincy back in the 80's. It was abbreviated thanks to a huge thunderstorm that developed just as they started the airshow which forced them to cancel and fly to Scott Air Force Base in Belleville, Illinois. Never was I so mad at Mother Nature than that day. Anyone else remember that?