Missouri Guy Goes Magnet Fishing and Landed a Stolen Safe
Have you ever been magnet fishing? It's quite the underrated hobby in Missouri. Recently, a Missouri guy decided to see what he could catch off of a rural bridge and he ended up landing a stolen safe.

Jared Coker shared the following details about his Missouri magnet fishing adventure:
Magnet Fishing from a rural bridge down in Missouri. Found a lot of cool old rusty junk, but the most exciting find was a large safe which was most likely stolen and dumped in the river.
I've caught some big fish in my life, but have never reeled in a safe.
In case you're wondering, magnet fishing is completely legal in Missouri as long as you're not trespassing on private land as Magnet Fishing Pro says. Same is true for Illinois and Iowa.
If you're thinking you'd like to dive into this magnet fishing pastime, I found equipment on Brute Magnetics and it looks like you can get started for as little as $35 or go crazy with some of the more massive magnets for $250. Their listings say they can lift as much as 3,600 pounds. I don't think I'm up for pulling that kind of weight up onto a bridge or anywhere for that matter.
If this kind of fishing fun interests you, make sure you follow Jared on YouTube.
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