“Load The Lobby” Another Huge Success!
Every year in December I sit in amazement at what this community does to help others. Ten years ago I came up with the thought that people just might want to take their kid's toys they no longer use and drop them off at Y101 Radio so they can be given to the Salvation Army for kids less fortunate in the area.
I had no idea then what to expect so whatever we got was better than nothing at all. Well, to my surprise, the toys came flowing in. We placed them in our lobby and from that point the toy collection has been known as "Load the Lobby".
For all ten years, including this year, the lobby has been filled thanks to the generosity of our listeners who continue to amaze me. People even went out and purchased new toys as well for some youngster they will probably never meet in their lifetime.
Why do they do that? Probably because they count their blessings or perhaps they were one of those unfortunate kids years ago. No matter the reason, people still do it to help others and isn't that what Christmas is all about?
Thank you for your generosity and Merry Christmas!
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