It’s Okay to Cry, Moms
This time of year, many parents will start registering their children for kindergarten. And while this can be a fun and exciting time for parents and children, it can also be pretty sad sometimes. Allow me to explain.
This year I get to register my five-year-old Alexis (or my "Mini-Me" as she's also known) for kindergarten. It's a bittersweet moment for me; on one hand I am excited for her to start her education and watch her grow and find what she is passionate about. But I'm also really sentimental and a part of me is saddened by the realization that my baby is not a baby anymore.
I mean, she'll always be my baby, but there's just something about signing up your youngest child for school. It's just another one of those firsts that we will get through. I remember the first time she rolled over, the first time she ate baby food, her first steps, her first bike ride, smile, giggle, first word, and so many other firsts. Now I can add "day of school" to that ever-growing list.
Even though we have a few months before school starts, I am preparing now. So if you're registering your child for the new school year, here's a word of advice: It's okay to cry. Wear sunglasses to hide your eyes on the first day of school. If they see you crying, they might just start crying too. It's not that you're sad for them by any means. It's just overwhelming that my tiny human is no longer tiny. She's on the path to becoming an adult who will hopefully make a positive difference in the world.
I can't wait to watch her grow up and find what she's passionate about. My oldest child wants to be a zoologist while Lexi has her sights set on a career in cosmetology and hairstyling (she's already better than I am). So I know I'll be crying this fall. And that's okay.