Even if you hunt, you're not likely to see a piebald deer in your lifetime. For one Illinois hunter, not only did he see one of these rare bucks, but he took it down with only a bow as his video share proves.

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This was quite an adventure for Bowhunting.com on their YouTube channel. Their one sentence description is all you need to know:

Kurt's hunting season takes a quick turn as an elusive 6-year-old Piebald buck makes its way toward his stand.

Kurt saw many bucks from his stand including these beauties.

Bowhunting.com via YouTube
Bowhunting.com via YouTube
Bowhunting.com via YouTube
Bowhunting.com via YouTube
Bowhunting.com via YouTube
Bowhunting.com via YouTube

This is the view of the piebald buck that Kurt had just prior to taking this big guy home.

Bowhunting.com via YouTube
Bowhunting.com via YouTube

One bow shot later and this rare buck was now his trophy.

Bowhunting.com via YouTube
Bowhunting.com via YouTube

If you love hunting in Illinois, here's Kurt's full video, but there are some things to know. First of all, this is hunting so if you have a problem with seeing animals taken down in the wild, DO NOT WATCH. He does a good job of not sharing too much that's graphic, but it's still hunting. It's not for everyone.

How rare are piebald deer?

Illinois Fish and Wildlife and other management agencies say that piebald deer only occur in about 1% of the population. This is different than an albino deer that lacks the color gene entirely. Quite a beautiful animal that is now a trophy in Illinois.

10 Things Guys Should NEVER Say at the Deer Camp

There aren't a whole lot of rules for guys at the deer camp, but a man should always remember that his man card is on the line if he slips and says something like these things.

Gallery Credit: Gary McCoy

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