How Much Snow Will Missouri Get This Winter? Expect Big Changes
It's the eternal Midwestern question. How much snow will my state get? If you live in Missouri and much of the Midwest, it looks like the winter of 2023 and 2024 will be very different for one big reason.
One of my favorite internet weather nerds is Ryan Hall who is the personality for Ryan Hall, Y'all on YouTube. I've followed Ryan's work enough to know that he's not sensational and does not exaggerate his forecasts.
Ryan started his forecast for the upcoming winter with a look at typical snowfall. For most of Missouri and Illinois, the yearly average is between 12 and 24 inches.
This upcoming winter will be different and because of a more intense El Niño, he sees less snowfall in the future for Missouri and most of the Midwest.
He predicts that Most of the northern parts of Missouri and Illinois especially, there will be about 15 to 20% less snowfall for winter 2023/2024 compared to a typical year as the conditions favor a warmer and dryer season.
He adds the caveat that weather is wildly unpredictable, but he's confident enough of the pattern he's seen so far to say that Missouri's winter will probably (key word) be milder than normal.
Should you retire your snow shovel? Let's not get carried away just yet. But, I would recommend checking out Ryan Hall's full video for the full backstory about why our winter "might" be easier than most. We shall see.
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