2 Illinois Neighbors Most Notorious for Giving Speeding Tickets
Are you planning to adventure beyond the borders of Illinois this summer? If so, you might want to be careful as two neighbors next to the Land of Lincoln are among the 10 most notorious states in America for handing out speeding tickets.
I want to be clear that I'm not condoning speeding. While my admittedly somewhat disturbing sense of humor likes to make light of stuff every now and then (Editor's Note: meaning "always"), I was in a high-speed accident when I was younger that fractured my skull. Shockingly, I was not at fault. My point is speeding is not a funny topic really.
Rate Genius shared the states that hand out the most speeding tickets every year and two of them are Illinois neighbors. To the north of Illinois, the neighbors in Wisconsin come in at #5 among the states that hand out the most speeding tickets. The ranking says that exceeding the speed limit in the land of Cheese Heads can cost you a staggering $800 if you're enough over.
Far exceeding Wisconsin in the business of giving out speeding tickets is Iowa which ranks at #3 in America for making you pay up for getting too excitable with the accelerator. Check this out. They say that Iowa Highway Patrol officers "gave out 1,497 speeding tickets for speeds over 100 mph". Wow. Just WOW.
Just keep these speed facts in mind if you plan on adventuring outside of Illinois as it just might cost you big time if you don't keep it legal.