Are these The Most Dangerous Intersections in Quincy?
People seem to always be in a rush. I remember when I started driving in Quincy, I was so confused. I just stayed on Broadway and knew I would get to where I needed to be just by staying on this street. Someone recently told me that this is how they keep track of driving in Quincy...
“If numbers are getting lower, you’re going to the river. If numbers are getting higher, you’re going to Walmart. Streets to the north are trees. Streets to the south are states and presidents. Drive slowly. And stay off of Broadway.”
Completely opposite of what I knew as a young driver in Quincy, but totally makes sense. Living in Quincy for over 15 years, I can honestly say there are some dangerous intersections in Quincy. I myself, even as safe as I drive, has been in an accident. Which ones are the worst when it comes to traffic accidents? Turns out, Broadway is truly as bad as it’s made out to be.
So without further ado, I present the 13 WORST intersections in Quincy in terms of accidents (you might notice a little pattern here).