A College Student’s Guide to Quincy
As a current college student, I am always looking for the best new thing in town: the coolest new restaurant, the best late night spot to grab a couple drinks (if you're over 21, of course), even the best place to go and kill a couple hours during the day. After many hours spent just driving around trying to find places to try out, I can say that Quincy has everything a college student needs to survive.
Let’s face it: college students don’t exactly have a ton of money to throw around. Sure, every once in a while I splurge a little bit, but most of the time I am looking for bargains, deals, and discounts. Luckily, many of the businesses in town offer constant discounts and specials. Be it food, drinks, or basic entertainment, Quincy provides all of these with fair and competitive prices.
Speaking of food and drink, I just want to take a moment and recognize all of the amazing options in Quincy. Want a big burger and a cold glass of beer? Head down to one of the many bars in town. How about a glass of wine or a fancy cocktail? Well, Quincy has nice little establishments that offer those too. On top of this, there are countless other options for food and drink all over town. And the best part about all of these places is…the reasonable prices! (There seems to be a theme here…)
Okay, so now that there has been plenty to eat and drink, what comes next? The local entertainment, that’s what. My favorite part about Quincy is the astounding amount of local entertainment offered. Live music is available year round, you just have to keep your ear to the ground to know where it’s going to be offered next. On top of this, trips to the art gallery, local theater productions, or the many events in Washington Park are just minutes away. But wait, there’s more! This entertainment is…drumroll please…available at little to no cost!
Okay, there’s definitely a theme here.
Yes, Quincy is indeed a wonderful place for a college student. Maybe it doesn’t have the bright lights and the fancy frills of major college towns, but that’s overrated anyway. I would rather have a comfortable seat and a good time at a smaller venue surrounded by good friends, good food, good drinks, and good music. And Quincy does a perfect job at all of that.
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