Watch Heroes Rush to Keep Carnival Ride from Tipping Over
I can only imagine what was going through the minds of the people who were trapped on this ride. A new video share shows many heroes who rushed to keep a carnival ride from tipping over.
This happened at a cherry festival in Traverse City, Michigan. Here's how witnesses described what happened on the YouTube share:
2021 National Cherry Festival Traverse City, MI Thursday, July 8, 2021, 11:06 pm. Magic Carpet ride sways forward and back, almost tips over. None injured but very shaken up after being released from the ride.
It appears like the ride's anchoring may have broken loose. It's obvious something had gone terribly wrong and the lives of those aboard were in great jeopardy. Keep a close on on the railing near the bottom of the ride. You'll see dozens of people put themselves in harm's way by grabbing the bottom of the ride to keep it from tipping over.
It's this kind of heroism and selflessness that you don't see reported on enough today. If the ride had collapsed, there's a good chance that many on the ground would have suffered grave injuries in addition to those actually on the ride.
Heroes all.