Was it due to an unexpected family death or sudden financial shortfall that led to a $750,000 Illinois hunter's mansion to be abandoned? The reason remains a mystery, but explorers recently found a project car and stuffed bobcat left behind inside.

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Decaying Midwest is an urban explorer YouTube channel that recently investigated a strange home that now sits empty in the Chicago area. Here's how they described what they found:

Today we are exploring the abandoned hunter's mansion in Chicago's suburbs worth $750,000 with a project car and stuffed bobcat left behind. I'm not sure what happened to this mansion or why everything was left to rot.

Here are a few pictures of what they found inside. In the garage was a project car.

decayingmidwest via YouTube
decayingmidwest via YouTube

Inside the home, they discovered a stuffed bobcat. Is it real?

decayingmidwest via YouTube
decayingmidwest via YouTube

It appears based on newspapers they found lying around that the nearly three-quarters-of-a-million dollar home has been vacant since 2018. No explanation as to why it was just left to rot.

Decaying Midwest shares new content all the time of abandoned places they discover. Make sure to follow them on YouTube for the latest unexplained vacant places.

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