Something Huge is Killing Deer & Cattle on Missouri Farmer’s Land
If you're a farmer in Missouri, you know there are a many ways that cattle can be attacked by predators. However, there has to be something huge lurking on a Missouri farmer's land due to the sheer number and method that his cattle and deer are being mutilated.

The mystery began for a Missouri farmer named David when he began discovering some of his cattle had been killed. Something seemed to be attacking them from the woods and then retreating back into the darkness. His farm is located in the southern part of Missouri.
The mutilations weren't happening only to the cattle. He would find deer near his property that had been attacked by something big and violent, too. The YouTube channel Sasquatch Theory interviewed David and learned that there was an official sighting reported to the Bigfoot Research Organization that happened right down the road from where his farm is located.
David's farm is located inside one of the most heavily-wooded parts of Missouri. There have been no signs that would indicate bears are using this country as habitat yet though.
What is also strange about the wildlife activity around David's property is there is very little activity. It's almost like the deer and other wildlife are hiding from...something.
What's killing David's cattle and the deer population? There are no definite conclusions that can be made until more evidence is found, but his property is sadly living up to the name "Killing Fields" in the meantime.
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