See What’s Left Inside an Illinois Mansion Abandoned for 13 Years
I realize that common sense doesn't always apply to real estate deals, but I cannot understand why a grand Illinois mansion has sat abandoned and empty for the past 13 years.

A few days ago, urban exploration YouTube channel Decaying Midwest visited a housing project near Chicago with the following explanation:
Today, we are exploring an abandoned Mansion in the Chicago Suburbs. The property had a manor, gatehouse, and several housing units. In 2009 the property was foreclosed on and all of them are still abandoned to this day.
13 years just sitting there...empty. So many nice homes and so much waste.
As they shared in their video, all of the homes in this area now have boarded-up windows.
If you look closely at the walls and the woodwork, you can see that there are some decent bones in this mansion.
I'm no real estate and/or financial expert for sure, but there has to be a developer somewhere that could figure out how to turn these into functional homes and make a profit. Considering how crazy high real estate prices are now, surely there must be a way.
Again, common sense doesn't always come into play in real estate. These Illinois homes are just a few real examples of what happens when plans go bad.
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
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