Quincy Public Library Now Delivers
Did you know the Quincy Public Library now delivers books? The Quincy Public Library now provides delivery service to take books and library materials to library patrons who are home-bound or who reside in nursing homes or retirement communities.
Quincy Public Library’s home delivery service is available to any library patron temporarily or permanently unable to visit the library due to any visual or physical impairment.
Patrons can receive books, large-print books, DVDs, CDs, or audiobooks, through selections personalized for each reader. Library patrons can request specific titles, or allow our friendly Outreach staff to choose items based on patron preference. Q.P.L. tracks items borrowed to ensure each patron receives fresh selections on each visit.
Home deliveries of library material can be arranged on a two-week schedule. There is no charge for home delivery to bring library materials to your door. Staff and residents of nursing homes and retirement communities may also request deliveries to be made to them.
Additional services may be available for patrons with visual impairments, such as the Illinois Talking Book Program, Newsline, or Radio Information Service. Users must apply and be approved to access these additional services.
Currently, Q.P.L. is delivering about 3000 items to more than 200 grateful patrons each month. To request home delivery service, call the Quincy Public Library at 223-1309, ext 217 or ext. 218.