I vividly remember making the Orange Julius in the Quincy Mall a regular part of my routine. For the life of me, I can't remember when it closed, but it made me wonder out loud why Orange Julius seems to have disappeared from Illinois entirely or did it really?
I thought I was crazy when I asked a friend about what I remembered as Burger Chef when my family would drive to Quincy from Hannibal during the early 1970's. In this case, I was not hallucinating. Quincy did have a Burger Chef until early in 1978 when it suddenly closed its doors.
This will likely be one of the most controversial topics I ever tackle. When it comes to coffee, everyone has a strong opinion on where the best place to get their java is. Here's what Yelp has to say about that for our part of Missouri and Illinois.
If you're a fan of local Prospect League baseball, there's some sad news to pass along. The Quincy Gems have confirmed that they will not be returning to Quincy for the 2024 season.
I realize this will likely be an unpopular opinion, but I'm gonna let it fly anyway. I, for one, completely miss the Quincy and Hannibal K-Mart stores. Let me explain.
Well, this is a sad surprise. It appears that if you crave fancy pancakes in Quincy, Illinois you now have one less option as signs seem to indicate that IHOP secretly closed with no warning.
This is gonna sound like an old Rodney Dangerfield joke setup, but it's a real thing. How hot was it in Quincy, Illinois this week? Well, I gotta tell you..."It's so hot I saw a dog chasing a cat, and they were both walking." That's an exaggeration, but it was hot enough that Quincy just broke an 81-year-old heat record.
Depending on who you talk to, coyotes are either a tremendous nuisance or a necessary part of nature. Which is it? Let's do some research into the pros and cons of these animals who's numbers seem to be growing.
The Hannibal and Quincy area has been fortunate to not experience the kind of tornado like the one that destroyed much of Joplin in 2011. However, there is a deep history of devasting twisters that have caused incredible amounts of damage in the tri-state area. Here are the 9 most destructive tornadoes over the past 150 years.