Missouri has had a very nice respite from bitterly cold temperatures and it looks like it will stay that way for awhile. But, an upcoming split of a polar airmass will almost certainly mean that cold is about to return to Missouri with a vengeance.

There's an interesting development in the Arctic that Travis Roberts just picked up on that shows the airmass that has been sitting over the arctic regions is about to split.

Weather With Travis via YouTube
Weather With Travis via YouTube

That means by the time we reach February 10, 2025, you can expect to see Missouri back under a cold airmass.

Weather With Travis via YouTube
Weather With Travis via YouTube

There is even a chance that day could bring with it the chance of snow returning to Missouri based on what computer models are showing now.

Weather With Travis via YouTube
Weather With Travis via YouTube

It's still much too early to plan on a snow event on February 10, 2025, but it's almost certain that the cold temperatures will return by the middle of February if not before.

The key will be how far south does that cold air mass that will be over Canada go. As of this date, it appears that it's likely Missouri will see the brunt of this coldness. The only real question now is if snow returns with those bitterly cold temperatures.

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