Please Do Not Ever Go Into This Forgotten Missouri Jail at Night
There are some things that you can tell are a good idea immediately. This isn't one of those things. It's a teachable moment about why you should never ever go into this forgotten Missouri jail at night.

This used to be the Renz Women’s Penitentiary in Jefferson City, Missouri and you should never go there. No, I'm not talking about the reports from many that believe it's haunted. This is something else entirely.
The most recent investigation of this now abandoned penitentiary happened just a few months ago and you can tell 2 things almost immediately. 1. He wasn't supposed to be in this building (by his own admission) 2. He was sorry he decided to go in this building (by his own admission).
Get ready for some nightmare fuel.
Atlas Obscura has the real reason why you should never go to the Renz Women's Penitentiary. It's now used as a training ground occasionally by the Missouri Highway Patrol and sometimes they use chemicals like tear gas in the training. If you happen to venture there shortly after a training session, your lungs could burn off. Perhaps that's a little dramatic, but you'll feel like your lungs are burning off.
Seriously, just read up on the history of this penitentiary if you're curious. It is an interesting place. Just don't risk your health (or possible imprisonment) by setting foot inside. Never. Ever. Please.
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
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