Iowa Driver Captures Video as Car Overtaken by Haboob
A couple weeks ago, a wild dust storm blew through parts of Iowa. A driver captured video showing what happened as their vehicle was overtaken by it.
A dust storm like this is known as a "haboob". Don't ask me how I know. Here's what the driver said about what went down:
Encountered a haboob while driving north on Hwy 69 between Huxley and Ames, Iowa.
Here's another more wide angle view of that storm captured by Nick Stewart.
Every time I mention a haboob, I get questions, so here's a brief definition from Wikipedia:
During thunderstorm formation, winds move in a direction opposite to the storm's travel, and they move from all directions into the thunderstorm...When this downdraft of cold air, or downburst, reaches the ground, it blows dry, loose silt and clay (collectively, dust) up from the desert, creating a wall of sediment that precedes the storm cloud.
I'm gonna pretend I know what that means. All I do know is that it's a wall of dirt and if I were that driver, I would have pulled off to the side of the highway and tried to let it pass. Choosing to drive through it makes me feel bad for my air filter. Next time they get an oil change, you can bet the tech is gonna be bringing that thing in to show how dirty it is. But, I digress.
More proof that if you don't like weather in the tri-state area, just wait 10 minutes.