Movies would have you believe that anyone who joins a gang is only interested in committing crimes. I know for a fact that it's not that simple, but it would be a really good idea to heed the warning of experts who say you need to avoid 4 specific gangs in Illinois at all costs.

When you look like you escaped from The Andy Griffith Show like I do, gang knowledge isn't the first thing you assume and that's fair, but it's wrong. I have long-time friends who escaped from some very prominent gangs and lived to tell about it - barely. I learned that he and most of those he knew joined gangs not for crime, but for survival. They had few other choices. I wanted to share this first because the gangs that are prevalent in certain parts of Illinois that are listed below likely include many like friends I've had. Probably not involved by choice, but by necessity.

All that being said, you really need to not cross paths with these groups if you can avoid it. 24/7 Wall St just shared the 4 gangs in Illinois that you should worry about and, while I won't go as far as agreeing with their worrying recommendation, you should be aware of them.

  • Black Disciples
  • Black P Stones
  • Gangster Disciples
  • Latin Kings

Please don't mistake my sympathy for some that are involved in these gangs for any sort of endorsement. The criminal activities of these groups that frequent the Chicago area and other metros are reprehensible. Just don't assume that every member is in it for guns and glory. Sometimes it's as simple as hoping you live to see another day.

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Gallery Credit: CharlieBo313 via YouTube

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