Genius Imagines What Would Happen if Missouri and Kansas United
This will never ever happen in a million years, but I will admit it's fun to think about what if's. A genius has decided to figure out what it would be like if Missouri and Kansas decided to unite.
Based on the description of his video share, it's obvious this guy understands how outlandish his idea is:
They would never reunite. Ever. Never ever. I’d like to see a Godzilla vs Kong-esque movie where they fight, the hype for endgame would have nothing on this

Anyone who has attended a Missouri vs Kansas football or basketball game can tell you that the odds of this taking place are ZERO. However, he brings up some interesting stats if "Miss-ansas" ever became a union:
- Land area would be over 393,000 square kilometers
- "Kansa-souri" would have borders with 8 states
- Population would be over 9,000,000
- Combined states would have 14 electoral votes
- Gross domestic product would top $504 billion
- Military would consist of over 38,000 soldiers with another 28,000 in reserve
I would be fine with this union IF Missouri were allowed to rule the populace of Kansas. I would then trade Hays, Kansas to another state for a town to be named later. (If you've driven all the way across Kansas, you'll likely agree what a letdown Hays is after all that driving.
Will it happen? Nope. Is it fun to think about? Sure. It's another one of those fun brain games you play while you're pretending to do actual work.
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