YouTuber Says Keokuk Has Great People, But Worst Place to Live
If you live in Keokuk (or are thinking about it), I have good news and I have bad news. A very popular YouTuber says that while Keokuk has great people, it's also the worst possible place you can live in Iowa if not the entire Midwest.
I want to be clear these aren't my words. My wife is from Iowa, so I need to be careful. This declaration of the status of Keokuk comes from Nick Johnson. For what it's worth, I've exchanged emails with Nick a few years ago. He's a good guy and his criticism is really coming from a well-intended perspective. Before I commentate on what Nick had to say, check it out for yourself.
I had my wife watch most of this video to get her perspective and she confessed that much of what he had to say is true. Keokuk really is only a shell of what it used to be. She (and I) agree that there are still many good people that live there, but the city can be really depressing with the many businesses and factories that have closed.
In an article just shared a few months ago, Keokuk was rated #2 in the state of Iowa for being dangerous. They say the violent crime rate affects "87.30 per 10,000 people" Good luck finding 10,000 people in Keokuk these days.
To emphasize what Nick said though and that's the fact that there are still some great people who call Keokuk home. It's just sad that for someone like Nick who isn't from there has this kind of immediate impression while driving through. Sadly, many believe he's really not wrong.