Who Would You Like To See Perform in Concert in Quincy?
What Quincy needs is a really good "big" name concert. I have heard that comment from people for years. The last "big" name concert I can remember was Bret Michaels when he came to Quincy a few years ago. I have wondered why we don't have one "big" concert a year in Quincy. One concern is a venue to have it. There are several locations I think would work. The Adams County Fairgrounds, the parking lot in front of The Dock, Quincy Raceways, Flinn Stadium or out at the Quincy Regional Airport. The other concern is who will sponsor such an event. The cost is not cheap.
It does amaze me that Burlington, Iowa can bring in some big time acts for seven straight nights every year for their Steamboat Days in a town half the size of Quincy. When you get right down to it, it is the cost that is preventing it from happening.
With that said, if there could be one "big" name concert in Quincy this summer, who would you like to see perform here? How about Bryan Adams for starters?
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