Saturday’s Veteran’s Parade to Feature a C-130 Flyover
The 10th Annual Veteran's Parade in Quincy will once again feature a flyover of a C-130 Hercules aircraft from the Air National Guard out of Peoria, Illinois.
This year’s Veteran’s Parade will be held in Quincy this Saturday (November 4) at 10 a.m. The parade will begin at 12th and Maine and proceed to 5th and Maine Streets. The purpose of the parade is to honor all Veterans from all wars as well as those presently serving in the Armed Forces.
For those Veterans who are unable to view the parade that morning a second parade will assemble at the Illinois Veteran’s Home in Quincy at 1 p.m. to allow the residents of the home a chance to see it as well.
Over 100 entries are expected for the parade Saturday. For more information, contact Dick McKinney at 430-2912.