This Amazing Illinois Dog Named Ryder Can Sneeze on Command
If I could have been born with any skills, I'd like the one that this Illinois dog named Ryder possesses. He can sneeze on command and it's brilliant.
This special boy recently had a trip to the vet which inspired his owner to share his special ability:
Ryder was actually going in for surgery that morning...scared mommy a little. Always wanted to get this on video so I recorded that morning and he did great!
How cute is this guy? Answer: very. Ryder lives in New Athens, Illinois
I located this video moment on YouTube, too and was entertained by what people had to say. Most seemed to want instructions on how to make this work with their pet.
Sherree Roper - "Damn, I can watch your dog sneeze all day.."
Snuffles Good - "So smart, teach your dog to sneeze before approaching you. I’ve been sneezed on SO MANY TIMES by my pitbull "
Sherree Roper - "That 3rd sneeze had to get worked up to be a BIG sneeze . Great dog, how did you teach that?"
This led me to do a search for "how to teach your dog how to sneeze on command" where I found some tips from WagWalking. They advise repetition with a treat. Apparently that will win the day most of the time and he/she will equate sneezing with a treat.
Perhaps this is why my wife gives me candy every time I take my muddy shoes off at the door before I reach the carpet...