Tell Us How You Benefited From A Random Act of Kindness!
If there was ever a movement people can get behind, it's random acts of kindness. It came in vogue a few years ago and it still goes on today (though not as often) with nice little surprises that brighten a stranger's day.
It seems the most common act of kindness comes when a stranger pays for your meal in a drive-through. That's the one I hear about the most. I know someone who ran across a lady in a mechanic's shop who needed a tire. The mechanic told her all of her tires were shot and not safe to drive on. She was elderly, on a fixed income, and had been saving for a month to buy one tire. There was no way she could afford four. The anonymous friend quietly purchased the tires for this woman in need.
I'm reminded of random acts of kindness because I played a small part in one today. Jeff Dorsey's good friend David P. Norman at KBHL Radio regularly sends flowers to people in the community for no special reason. It's his own random act of kindness. We had invited David to lunch but he couldn't make it so he sent flowers in his stead. Dorsey figured I'd appreciate them more, so he sent them home with me. I'm getting ready to go on vacation, so I took them to an elderly mother and daughter who are both wheelchair bound and watched over by a sister in her 60's. Those women were so pleased to get flowers out of the blue. What a great way to spread some sunshine!
You don't have to get complicated with your random acts of kindness. It doesn't have to cost you anything. It could be as simple as letting someone in line in front of you. Maybe perform an act of service like mowing a neighbor's yard. Here's a list of 100 ideas. Isn't this just what the world needs right now? Share with us random acts of kindness that you've given or received. We'd love to hear from you!
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