We'll take small town life over the big city experience any day any time. That's why there's one place in Pike County that is special because it has a unique factoid attached to it. It's the smallest village in Illinois that only 14 still call home.
Have mountain lions ever been spotted in northeast Missouri? Absolutely. There have been 3 confirmed sightings I have found including 2 that happened only a few years ago.
Illinois is like any other state in that it has large metro areas and tiny towns. Which one is the smallest? It's actually a somewhat complicated answer that appears to be a tie...or is it?
It's one of the most infamous cryptids in America and it's been sighted in Missouri more than just about any other state in America. It's what eyewitnesses describe as "the dogman" and there are 6 terrifying accounts that will give you chills.
This will add new meaning to the word "homegrown". New statistics that have just been shared that out of all the Missouri counties, Pike County has one of the highest rates of residents who were born in the state than just about any others.
When you're driving on the backroads in our part of America, you never know what might be waiting around the next corner. For a driver in Pike County, Missouri on Wednesday, that "what" was a bobcat stretched out in the middle of the road.