Something strange is in the fog. No, it's not the premise for a creepy 1980's movie, but now a reality in Missouri. It's been reportedly making many sick and there's video to prove it.
Have you ever driven past a cornfield in Illinois and have something catch your eye that's unexplainable? That happened to one man who, to this day, cannot explain what type of creature he saw late one night.
There have been numerous reports of mysterious drone swarms across America that the FBI says they're investigating. You can now add the southern Missouri area to that list as there is video proof of these drones right across the state border.
It was early February in 1976 when two Illinois men left an auction and mysteriously vanished. Now, there remains have been found in a car submerged in the Pecatonica River in Illinois, but many questions remain unanswered.
For the first time in 35 years, there are now charges which have been filed against a suspect in connection with a cold case that had gone unsolved for decades in Missouri.
They saw something and that something was huge. A Missouri man and his wife who left home early one morning to go to work encountered what they describe as a 9 foot tall creature that blocked their road.
It sounds like something you'd see in a spy thriller, but it's a real life Illinois thing. Neighbors have wondered out loud why a Russian billionaire just suddenly abandoned an exotic Illinois mansion and left the country.
There is no shortage of stories in Missouri of strange creatures that lurk in the woods. I found a new one where a southeast Missouri man claims he witnessed a 10-foot-tall something walk out of the woods in front of him.