You hear a lot about places in Missouri that are dangerous, but what about the safe places? There are 6 in a new ranking that are so safe they're practically heavenly.
So-called experts love to proclaim the most dangerous places in Missouri, but you don't hear as much about the safest cities. In Missouri, the place you'd most likely find a halo hovering over the city is not only the safest place in the state, but also has a trail that goes straight through it.
I've got good news and I've got bad news for one Missouri city. First of all, the good news is it was just named the safest place in the state for 2024. The bad news? It's a very short drive away from murder.
We live in a world of extremes and sometimes opposite sides of the spectrum aren't far apart. This is a great example of that. Did you know that Missouri's safest city for 2023 is only about a half hour from the most dangerous? It's true and there's data to prove it.
Have you ever seen something that is stated as a fact that just doesn't sound right? That was my reflex when I saw a new "safest city" named in Missouri and it was a suburb of St. Louis.