
It's Apparently OK for Missouri Amish to Use Computers - Sort Of
It's Apparently OK for Missouri Amish to Use Computers - Sort Of
It's Apparently OK for Missouri Amish to Use Computers - Sort Of
Like many in northeast Missouri, I live near many Amish families and greatly respect their faith and approach to life. I was under the impression that they were adverse to all kinds of technology, but I'm apparently wrong as Missouri Amish are apparently able to use computers - sort of. It's rather complicated.
Funny Wi-Fi Network Names
Funny Wi-Fi Network Names
Funny Wi-Fi Network Names
There is a lot of creativity out there when it comes to what people name their Wi-Fi networks in an attempt to keep others from stealing their service, or often just to be funny and give the neighbors a chuckle. Here are some of the best ones we've come across.
Research Reveals Ways to Identify Dangerous People on Twitter
Research Reveals Ways to Identify Dangerous People on Twitter
Research Reveals Ways to Identify Dangerous People on Twitter
You might think you can distinguish between civil society and the dance of a maniac just by gazing into the hollow, unstable color of a person’s eyes, but a new study finds that it is actually a person’s Twitter account that tells the haunting tale of the mental defective.

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