Shop & Support Local Businesses
Now more than ever it so important to shop and eat local.
People have lost their jobs due to the pandemic, buildings are becoming empty, and it’s got people thinking who's next. However, things are looking really good for some of Quincy's downtown businesses and restaurants. There have been several businesses in Hannibal that have recently opened as well.
I have, and will always be, a big supporter of shopping local. With many of the big box stores closing, why not start looking to downtown to get the items you need. There are new businesses that have opened in the past few years, and including a children's boutique, a new tattoo parlor, and (my personal favorite) Quincy Brewing Company.
All we see is store after store being closed due to bankruptcy, but downtown is blooming with business and now is the time to support everything local. These businesses are relying on you and I to, well, shop local so they can keep their doors open. When we can all gather again, both The District and Hannibal Convention & Visitors Bureau will once again plan fun events throughout the year to get people downtown.
Admittedly, I shop all around Quincy and Hannibal not just downtown, but it's so important to support the local businesses in the downtown area so more can come, and the ones that we love can remain open. It's more than just shopping local, it's you being a member of this community supporting your fellow neighbor.