Security Video Shows Missouri Dad Cutting Grass, Falls into Pool
Watch out. That first step is a doozy. That's probably what was going through the mind of a Missouri dad as he was cutting grass before suddenly finding himself in the pool.
This happened in Kansas City, Missouri late this past summer. Here's how the family described this "oops" moment by one of his kids:
My dad was cutting grass in our backyard. He started to move closer to the pool and as he took that next step backward he fell into the pool. As the end result, he got out and finished cutting grass.
Here's that special moment as captured by their backyard security camera. Note: the dad was not injured.
Fortunately, all of the YouTube experts ran to their keyboards to add commentary:
Aisadal - "Kinda funny how the dad is just nonchalant about the entire thing 😂"
10CC - "Thank goodness it's a mechanized trimmer and not a electric trimmer."
Multiple "experts" noticed how fortunate he was to not be using an electric device. It's a good thing that none of them have never done anything dumb by accident.
Credit to the dad being a trooper and jumping right back out of the pool and resuming his yard duties. A dad's work is rarely done.