No Kid Should be Without a Gift Christmas Morning
This Friday will mark the end of our Load the Lobby Campaign. Thank you to everyone who has donated good used or new toys already for the less fortunate kids in the area. For almost all of us we have awakened as a kid on Christmas and found a gift under the tree. Unfortunately, there are some kids out there who will look at an empty floor under their tree when they wake up on Christmas morning. This should never happen. That is why we do what we do with Load the Lobby.
The lesson learned by one youngster giving one of their many toys to another youngster who has none is a lesson we all can learn. Learning it early in life will reap many benefits in the years ahead. So please take the time in the next couple of days and go through your kid’s toys and donate a couple of good used toys for another youngster who is in need.
For most of us, Christmas is a decorated tree with gifts under it and not a tree on a barren floor. No child should ever wake up Christmas morning to that! With your help that won’t happen this Christmas.