Missouri Teens Consuming Dangerous Amounts of Energy Drinks
I've always wondered why some things aren't watched more closely by authorities and that includes energy drink consumption by minors. There are many reports that indicate many Missouri teens are consuming dangerous amounts of these popular drinks and most parents have no idea.
I saw this interesting story shared by the Wall Street Journal about a Jefferson City, Missouri teen who was starting and ending her day with energy drinks and also taking additional caffeine supplements just to keep up with her school workload. The article says that even her dad had no idea exactly how many energy drinks she was consuming. She's not alone either in her dependence on these drinks.
The CDC shared some disturbing numbers on exactly how prevalent energy drink use is among teens. They say nearly 1,500 kids aged 12 to 17 have been taken to an emergency room for treatment of rapid heartbeat and other dangerous conditions that can result from over-consumption.
The recommended daily intake of caffeine versus what many Missouri teens are actually consuming is frightening.
I will admit that I feel like a bit of a hypocrite sharing this, but I have changed my ways. I used to consume energy drinks several times per week along with diet supplements. Once I learned how much caffeine I was really putting in my person, I discontinued the supplements and now only drink some of the healthier energy drinks that have been developed.
I have to wonder how many Missouri parents remain unaware of the overuse of energy drinks by their kids. If nothing else, getting the awareness out there is a positive step in making sure our kids don't overuse anything.
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