Missouri Man Really Needs Your Help to Find Marty, His Pet Zebra
Have you seen a zebra in Missouri lately? If so, did he answer when you yelled "Marty"? The reason I'm asking is because a Missouri man has lost his pet zebra named Marty and he could really use your help.
KMIZ in Columbia shared the story of Marty, the lost Missouri zebra. He's the pet of Missourian Joe McDevitt who lives in Miller County. If you're not familiar with that area, it's the county between Lake of the Ozarks and Jefferson City, Missouri.
The problem is that Joe's zebra took off and has been on the run for the past few days.
Can you have a zebra as a pet in Missouri?
The answer is "yes", but it's complicated. KMIZ contacted the Department of Agriculture and they said you must have "a negative equine infectious anemia test, a vet inspection certificate showing identification, an inspection by an accredited vet". Now you know.
I found Joe's TikTok channel and I'm pretty sure it's the same Joe as in the story here because it features (you guessed it) zebras. This is Marty when he was with Joe.
If you had "zebras" wandering around Missouri next on your 2022 Bingo Card of Weirdness, you can give yourself a cookie now.