I don't agree with everything I see on the internet and I doubt you do either. This is one of those topics where I'm interested about some of the information I've found, but I don't agree with the conclusions necessarily. Self-proclaimed experts say that the 3 most popular chocolate brands in Missouri are also the 3 you should try to avoid at all costs.

Not my words and not my ranking. I can't emphasize that enough. Blame this one on 24/7 Wall St who think they know the good chocolate companies from the bad ones. Perhaps they're correct? You decide.

Here are the 3 chocolate brands THEY say you should avoid. Notice these are the ones you'll see in every single candy aisle in every single Missouri store:

  • Mars
  • Nestlé
  • Hershey

I won't go into every detail about why these chocolate brands are so evil (according to the ranking and not me), but the accusations include whether or not the chocolate bars are really made of chocolate or not, whether child labor is involved in their manufacture or unethical things the companies have allegedly supported.

I'll confess that I have no idea whether the chocolate companies are guilty of what they're accused of or not. On the rare occasion that I actually get to eat a chocolate bar, it either tastes good to me or not. I don't concern myself about illegalities of the company that made it because that's not accurate information I have access to. I'll trust law enforcement and lawyers to deal with that junk.

Perhaps you are the type of person that really cares about those kinds of things when you eat chocolate. If so, I highly encourage you to research the details in the 24/7 Wall St article. As for me, I'll gladly just enjoy a chocolate bar and leave the ethics to others.

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Gallery Credit: Chris Harden via YouTube

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