Missouri considered a Top 5 State with the Biggest Drug Problems
A ranking has come out showing which states are struggling the worst with drugs and Missouri is sadly in the top 5. However, what the rankings find isn't all bad news for the Show-Me State.
According to WalletHub.com, Missouri is the 4th worst state for drug problems in the United States this year, right behind states like West Virginia, the District of Columbia, and Arkansas. WalletHub as always breaks its rankings down by multiple factors, the categories for this ranking include things like Drug Use & Addiction, Law Enforcement, and Drug Heath Issues & Rehab. In the article they say...
"There were over 100,000 drug overdose deaths in the 12-month period ending in April 2021, up 28.5% from the previous year."
That number is so staggering because it means that the COVID-19 pandemic was worse for drug overdoses. So why is Missouri so high on the list of states with bad drug problems in 2022?
According to the data collected by WalletHub, Missouri ranks first in the country for its Law Enforcement category meaning that Missouri really struggles with drug arrests per capita, drug arrests on college campuses, and maternity drug abusers. But Missouri actually doesn't rank in the top 20 for the key category of Drug Use and Addiction, so that is a real positive. You can see the full rankings for yourself by clicking here!
For our listeners and readers on the Illinois side of the river, Illinois ranks 22nd on this list, which isn't great, and in fact, Illinois ranks ahead of Missouri in the Drug Use and Addiction category. To me, the most fascinating part of this data collection is that drug overdoses skyrocketed during the pandemic, and it is a problem nationwide that still needs more attention.