Local Superintendents Get Creative When Announcing School Closures
There have been several days this winter in which inclement weather has caused more than a few school cancellations. And area superintendents are getting pretty creative when it comes to making their big announcements each day.
First, I want to say thank you to all superintendents. I know that making the decision to cancel school is not always the easiest, but that you have our kids' safety in mind when you make the call. As a mom, I thank you for keeping my children and all the other children safe this winter.
Now, it's pretty cool to see that many of you are stepping up your game and getting really creative with your announcements. Even us parents get a kick out of them. Here are some of my favorite school closure announcements.
From Lewis County C-1 School District
Canton R-V School District
Quincy Public Schools
Again, thank you to all of the superintendents for making these decisions. And to Mother Nature...you can stop now. We get it.