Listen to a Sweet Slow Jam Created Using Real Missouri Songbirds
Never underestimate the internets ability to come up with something strange and wonderful. There's a keyboard master who has created a sweet slow jam not using musical instruments, but samples of real Missouri songbirds.

Here's a quick backstory. During my time going to high school in Hannibal, Missouri there was a notoriously hard bird test in the biology class I was in. I might have done better if this song existed back then because it's real Missouri songbirds set to music sometimes accompanied with the names of the birds being featured.
Behold this genius musical bird creation for yourself.
The "artist" noted that Pine Siskins were perched outside of his window during his bird recital. They were a part of the feathered jam he created along with doves, blue jays, finches and cardinals just to name a few.
Listen close just past the 1 minute mark and you'll hear a cat named Zenna. Credit where credit is due.
There you have what he calls the "Retweet Jam". Nice. Finally, Twitter, YouTube and birds have been combined into one master presentation. It's about time.
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