Goat Yoga Classes Now Offered Locally
Combine goat antics and yoga poses and you've found a path to a new-age way for relaxation.
Show Me Your Goga https://showmeyourgoga.goatyoga.net/ just started its first goat yoga sessions at its farm in Hannibal. Here you'll find animal therapy and physical activity as you yoga alongside social goats.
"There is something truly therapeutic about practicing yoga in nature and interacting with goats in their natural environment," said Goga owner Susan Nowell. " It is an experience where you can be in a natural environment combined with animal-assisted therapy and find a new unexpected distraction from the stress, sickness and sadness that life all too often brings."
Show Me Your Goga is affiliated with Goat Yoga Central, which is where the whole goat yoga craze started back on an Oregon farm in 2016. Nowell got involved locally when her son started raising goats to show at the Marion County Fair. Since then, the herd has expanded and the goats' role evolved to yoga in September. The farm also offers a petting zoo and a happy hour where you can cuddle and play with the goats. The next yoga session is Sunday, September 29 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Check out the website for details.
There is something about miniature goats and goat kids that just makes you smile. They are impish little scamps. They gambool around with cute little jumps and hijinxs. However, these darling little kids grow up to become cloven-hoofed hellions. At least, that was my experience. As a child, it was my job to milk the goat on behalf of my lactose intolerant baby brother. I despised this chore. And apparently, the goat despised me. One day we came home to find the goat had gotten into the house. She ate all our houseplants down to nubs and then climbed up and crapped her little cluster of goat pellets all over my bed.
So what if your therapy goat decides it has to go during a yoga class? Well, sh*t happens. Just shake off your yoga mat, maybe wipe it down with some Lysol and get back to nature.
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