DOH: Woman Has Slippery Porch Fall, But Makes Amazing Donut Save
A person has to have their priorities in order. I believe the woman featured in this video does. While she suffers a scary slip on her porch, she makes an amazing save of the donut she's carrying.
It's worth noting that this video was shared by her husband. (*Ahem*) He shared the play-by-play of what went down. Literally:
The ramp had frost on it, unknown to her. Suddenly, she lost her footing. She was eating a donut for breakfast on the way out, and amazingly she never dropped it. She was not injured.
There is no mention of where this family lives, but no matter. Homer Simpson approves of what you're about to see.
Shortly after it was shared, the YouTube comedians began appearing:
Dave Pryor - "Was waiting for a nuke edit"
The Hudson Homestead - "I would so be laughing at myself in embarrassment!! Lol"
It is easier to laugh when you realize you haven't broken a bone and/or your backside. I could also identify with the moment after she's fallen when she sits there and deliberates life. You make sure you're not really hurt then assess if you're gonna be willing to laugh about this later.
For the sake of her husband, I hope the answer she came to was "yes".
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