Dogwood Parade Theme Announced
This year's Dogwood weekend is set for May 6 and 7, and the theme for this year’s Adams Fiber/Blessing Health System Dogwood Parade is “Community Connections.” Parade participants are encouraged to use the theme to show how their businesses and organizations are connected to their clients/members, connected to Quincy, and connected to the world.
Registration for parade entries begins at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, on the Chamber’s website, The cost is $25 for non-profit organizations and $50 for businesses. The amount of entries will be capped at 125.
Annual Dogwood events include the Little King and Queen Pageant, Dogwood Dance, and entertainment in Washington Park. For food vendor space and miscellaneous entertainment in Washington Park, contact Theresa Godman at (217) 223-4186. For craft and art vendor space, call Bill Wolters at 223-1563 or Gale Hill at 224-5862.