Conventional Burial or Cremation? That is the Question
It is a topic that most people really don't want to deal with, but deal with it we must. That topic is death and the questions that follow. Where do you want to be buried? Do you want a visitation? What kind of casket do you want? Ah, the casket question! It is a question that little by little is changing to "what kind of urn would you like when you pass away?"
Cremation is rapidly becoming the choice of many, especially when you look at the cost difference. According to an article in the June 24, 2013 edition of Time Magazine, the cost of a basic conventional burial with casket, basic services, vault, embalming, hearse and visitation costs is $7755. That compares to the cost of cremation which includes basic services, crematory, transport, storage, urn, and casket at $2570. That is a difference of $5185. No wonder it is projected that by the year 2017 that 50% of Americans will choose cremation over burial.
While this is somewhat of a morbid topic, there are some funny moments resulting from a cremation. I recently heard of a family finding out that their beloved and recently cremated family member wanted to have his ashes spread in the ocean in the Caribbean. The cost to do that would be pretty expensive so one family member said they 'should just spread the ashes in the Mississippi and he will eventually get there." They were joking, of course. At least I think they were.
Recently, a friend of mine said "I have him in the car with me and I am taking him shopping. He never wanted to shop with me when he was alive so I am taking him today."