Check Out This QND Teacher Spreading Some Holiday Cheer In The Cafeteria [WATCH]
This time of year, a lot of students eager to start their Christmas breaks are staring straight into the face of final exams which can be pretty stressful. They're definitely ready for a break. So I was pretty happy when I saw this video of a Quincy Notre Dame teacher spreading a little Christmas cheer during Wednesday's lunch hour.
In the video, QND's David Damm and several of his elves are seen parading through the cafeteria, Damm jamming out some Christmas carols on his tenor saxophone and his elves tossing candy to the masses. And of course they're all dressed the part in Santa hats and festive Christmas sweaters. I love this video of teachers showing how cool they are with their students and giving them a little reason to smile.
In the video some students are really into it and a few even start dancing to the holiday tunes. Thank you, Mr. Damm, for bringing a little cheer to your students this holiday season. And thank you to whomever captured it for the rest of us to enjoy as well