Become A Safe Babysitter Through The Quincy YMCA
If you missed out on the June classes to become a Safe Sitter, here is your next opportunity. If you have a child between the ages of 11 and 18 wanting to make some extra cash by babysitting, you might think about enrolling him/her in a new program offered by the Quincy YMCA this July.
These classes are for members and non-members looking for tips and instruction on babysitting young children. The class will go over how to prevent accidents and what to do in the event of an emergency. It will also conver basic childcare skills, child behavior, and what makes a good babysitter.
As a parent, I'll find myself looking for babysitters every now and then. And I want to make sure that anyone I hire is prepared and knows what they're doing. This class is the first step in ensuring that your child becomes a responsible young adult who can be trusted with small children..
This class will be offered July 21st at the Quincy YMCA and cost is $60 for members and $70 for non-members. If you have questions, please contact Christy Fuller at for more information.