Who doesn't love a good snow day? I mean... besides the parents who now have to figure out what to do with their kids on a surprise day off. The kids love it, though. The teachers I know are generally on board with it. But it's always a surprise. I remember still having to wake up at the crack of pre-dawn and get ready only to have the announcement come over (shameless plug) the radio that hey, NO SCHOOL! Or even at university, getting that campus-wide e-mail of cancelled classes. What if there was a way to figure that out ahead of time, without calling a psychic hotline? You're in luck, because there's the Snow Day Calculator!

Snow Day Calculator - Hannibal

The Snow Day Calculator takes a look at impeding snowy conditions for two days out, factors in how many school days you've already had, and what kind of school it is, ranging from public to boarding, and offers probability on a snow day.

The above photo is for Hannibal. Now, as we are all in a winter break and with a lack of snow in the forecast, there's very little chance that there will be a snow day in the days ahead. But winter has just started, and it will be a long, cold three months until spring, so chances are good for another snow day before the vernal equinox rolls around. This is a good site to keep in your browser's bookmarks if it looks like a snow day is eminent.

Keep in mind this is just a calculated guess, and all final snow day decisions do rest with your school district's administration.

Snow Day Calculator - Quincy

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